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Gd Gadolinium - Wire

As with other related rare-earth metals, gadolinium is silvery white, has a metallic luster, and is malleable and ductile. At room temperature, gadolinium crystallizes in the hexagonal, close-packed alpha form.

The metal is relatively stable in dry air, but tarnishes in moist air and forms a loosely adhering oxide film which falls off and exposes more surface to oxidation.

Melting point: 1313 °C Boiling point: 3273 °C

A wire is a uniform strand of a pure metal with a diameter <2mm. Available on a spool or on a ring.

Wire Wire

Gadolinium - Wire - Your product selection

Gd-00008 Gadolinium wire

Details: 2 mm diameter
Purity: 99,90%
CAS No: [7440-54-2]
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